Tuesday, 31 March 2015

How Watchting the Premier League Games Influenced Me

Post Type:  Tell a Story

Keyword Phrase:  premier league teams (3600), premier league winners (1000), best premier league teams (170)

How Watching the Premier League Games Influenced Me

Watching Premier League games influenced me when I was little and every Saturday and Sunday morning I would wake up not wanting to miss them.  Watching the Premier League teams every weekend inspired me to play soccer and those inspirations pushed me to be the best I can be at the sport.

I started playing soccer when I was four years old and that is when I started having hope and dreams of becoming a Premier League player. I remember that there was so much excitement during the games and that Manchester United was the best team who were the Premier League winners. 

I continued playing and dreaming, for many years, of playing in the English Premier League.  What a wonderful game!

                     Figure 9. Watching the Premier League

     on Saturday Mornings                   Adapted from free-stock-photos-excited-family-watching-football-


The English league is the most exciting and has the best Premier League teams.  Do you agree?

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